These materials are listed here for your convenience.  Please know that Paragon Sports Performance Consulting does not control or endorse any particular website or book, and is not responsible for their content.


“Everyone’s gone through ups and downs in golf. When you’re in those low points, there’s times when you wonder like: Am I ever going to be back in that position? Obviously you believe that you can, but there’s those thoughts. Golf is obviously one of the most humbling sports there is and you can never take it for granted.”

– Rickie Fowler

“Grit? What is it? I believe it’s driven by love. Inspired by vision and purpose. Fuelled by optimism and belief. Powered by faith and hope. Revived by resilience. Kept alive by stubbornness. And if we’re honest includes some fear of failure and desire to prove oneself”

– Jon Gordon (twitter)

“Your journey is not the same as mine and my journey is not yours, but if you meet me on a certain path may we encourage each other.”

– unknown

“Competitive sports are about testing your limits, overcoming fear, improving yourself, and helping others do the same.”

– Sports Psychology

“I can’t change the directions of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

– Jimmy Dean

“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.”

– unknown

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t”

– unknown

“Effort is a CHOICE/ Kindness is a CHOICE/ Positivity is a CHOICE/ Negativity is a CHOICE/ Attitude is a CHOICE/ Mindset is a CHOICE/ Perseverance is a CHOICE/Dedication is a CHOICE/ Procrastination is a CHOICE/Professionalism is a CHOICE/ Respect is a CHOICE/CHARACTER IS A CHOICE”

– Baseball Dudes (twitter)

“Is your mind full or mindful?”

– known

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

– Arthur Asher

“There is no perfect technique or optimum tactics. It is what works for that individual or team, it is a constant moving target, a constant search that is ever changing and never ending. Good coaching focuses on the process and guides the athlete accordingly.

– Vern Gambetta (twitter)

“You can change another person’s life just by the belief that you have in them and by caring enough to take a moment to verbalize is to them.”

– unknown

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